Q.1. Does Wheatgrass have historical references? A.1. The use of Wheatgrass for its therapeutic value is existent since ancient time. Hindus offer ‘Durva’ (green grass) to the elephant God Ganesh and grow Wheatgrass to worship for nine days during ‘Navratri’ (Laxmi festival) every year. Dr. Ann Wigmore has mentioned the Biblical story about Babylonian King Nebuchadnezzar who spent seven years, insane, living like a wild animal eating the grass of the fields and got cured. The common observation that dogs and cats nibble on grass, presumably when ill, strengthens our belief in the healing power of grass. Q.2. How is Wheatgrass as compared to Ordinary grass and other supplements? A.2. Wheatgrass is grown through a process called sprouting. Sprouts are ‘complete food’ as they contain all the essential dietary nutrients along with the enzymes to help assimilate them. Dr. G. H. Earp-Thomas, celebrated American scientist and dietician, isolated over hundred elements from Wheatgrass and reached to the conclusion that Wheatgrass is the best of all grass and that it is a complete food in itself. Compared to Wheatgrass, other green-leafy vegetables are less beneficial and palatable in natural form. Wheatgrass Powder is an innocent natural food, which works as a health enhancer due to its highly balanced nutritional value. Artificially formulated supplements may contain some nutrients in excess and deficiency of other nutrients (Enzymes and Amino Acids) which act as ‘catalyst’ in their absorption. This may results in wastage of many beneficial nutrients. Wheatgrass is naturally better than synthetic vitamins and supplements. Q.3. Does the Wheatgrass Powder contain all the nutrition available in Fresh Wheatgrass? A.3. Consumption of Wheatgrass Powder is more convenient than fresh Wheatgrass juice. Girme’s Wheatgrass Powder is obtained by dehydrating fresh Wheatgrass indoors (without using any mechanism) and then grinded into fine Powder. Utmost care is taken to avoid heating and friction, which may evaporate or reduce the important nutrients. Maximize nutrients including dietary fiber are thus retained in Girme’s Wheatgrass Powder. Q.4. Are there any side effects after taking Wheatgrass Powder? A.4. Consumption of Girme’s Wheatgrass Powder has not shown any side effects, as it is natural, organic and innocent food. Some individuals may have nausea or irregular bowel movements during the first few days of use, which will subside by itself once the body gets accustomed to the Powder. Q.5. How much Wheatgrass Powder should be taken daily and for how long? A.5. Consuming minimum 40 g fresh Wheatgrass daily for at least 0ne month has been recommended by researchers. About 3 g Powder is obtained from 40 g Wheatgrass. Consuming minimum 1 to 2 tsp. (One Tsp. = approx 3 g) of Wheatgrass Powder is recommended to achieve satisfactory results. Healthy people can also take one spoon in the morning for a month for rejuvenation. This course should be repeated every six months in order to overcome nutrition deficiencies and help to maintain good health. Positive results are experienced within a week of starting the Wheatgrass Powder. Q.6. How to benefit more with Wheatgrass Powder? A.6. Highly rewarding results are observed when Wheatgrass Powder therapy is assisted with proper diet, exercises (yoga, Pranayam etc.) and healthy environment. Naturopathy diet plans for a few prominent health problems such as Cancer, Diabetes, Heart diseases, Obesity, Weight gain, Acidity, Thalassemia, Anemia & Piles are given in the book ‘Wheatgrass – Natures gift to mankind’ available with our product. Q.7. Can Wheatgrass Powder be given to children? A.7. Wheatgrass Powder is absolutely safe and beneficial to children above 2 years age. It should be given in small quantities (1/4 spoon) and slowly increased to 1 spoon daily. A little honey can be added for taste or it can be mixed with their food items but not with milk. Q.8. Is Wheatgrass Powder as effective as Wheatgrass juice? A.8.Wheatgrass in Powder form is most convenient, economical & efficient even more than the traditionally known fresh Wheatgrass Juice as follows :
  • Shelf Life: Fresh Wheatgrass Juice has shelf life of just a few hours whereas Wheatgrass Powder is ‘Best before 1 year from packaging’.
  • Fibre is strained out along with many beneficial nutrients while extracting fresh Wheatgrass Juice whereas in case of Wheatgrass Powder it gets completely retained. This dietary fiber creates miracles to maintain health as it expands on mixing with water & adds bulk to the food in digestion system. Dietary fibre helps prevent constipation, improves bowel movement, helps flush out toxins, reduces cholesterol & control blood sugar level.
  • Beneficial nutrients of fresh Wheatgrass along with Chlorophyll are retained in Powder due to the natural climate at our farm & refined manufacturing technique.
  • Concentration is assured as 1 spoon Powder (3 g) = 30 g fresh Wheatgrass.
  • Economical as 1 bottle of 100 g Wheatgrass Powder gives 30 glass serving & costs less than half the price of 30 glass fresh Wheatgrass Juice.
Q.9 How does Wheatgrass Powder help in weight management? A.9. Wheatgrass Powder is a natural, safe and extremely potent aid in weight loss. It works by suppressing appetite, stimulating metabolism, circulation and helps loose weight in inches and kgs. Diet has to be reduced to achieve weight loss and it may cause nutrition deficiencies. Many people experience fatigue and craving to eat more at this stage. Wheatgrass Powder helps overcome nutrition deficiency and to avoid any side effects. For weight gain, Wheatgrass Powder helps by improving digestion, activating body cells, increasing appetite, improves skin and muscle tone and as an energy booster. Incase of weight loss / weight gain, the intake of Wheatgrass Powder is the same but the accompanying diet is different as follows:
  • Weight Loss : Diet should contain more of vegetables, soups, sprouts, green salads, fruits, juices, dry fruits, etc. Items such as milk, sweets, ghee, butter, rice, non-veg, alcohol, etc, should be avoided.
  • Weight Gain : Diet should contain more of vegetables, fruits, juices, honey, milk, dry fruits, ghee, porridge, salads, brown rice, soups, Jaggery-sweetened milk at night, etc.
Q.10. How does Wheatgrass Powder help combat so many diseases? A.10. Our body has the inbuilt capacity to heal itself if provided with proper nutrition, exercise & environment. Wheatgrass contains more than 111 beneficial substances in naturally balanced form. Artificially formulated nutrition products may contain some nutrients in excess & some insufficient. Amino acids & Enzymes are required to assimilate the food & help the cells absorb the nutrients. Their deficiency makes the nutrients go waste. Wheatgrass contains 19 of the known Amino acids including 9 EAA (essential amino acids), which our body cannot make from our foods. Proteins are made up of amino acids. The balanced nutrients contained in Wheatgrass thus help combat various health problems by overcoming nutrition deficiencies. In fact, we have observed that when Wheatgrass Powder is taken to help combat a particular health problem, it has helped overcome other co-related problems. Q.11. What is the importance of Organic Certification? A.11. Organic certification by a Govt. recognized authority is an assurance that the essential elements constituting an ‘Organic’ product have been met from the farm to the market. The term ‘Organic Food’ means that the food product has been produced without the use of artificial fertilizers, synthetic pesticides & growth promoters. Such products are devoid of heavy metals, pesticides and preservatives. Scientific studies have revealed that the exposure of heavy metals, pesticides & chemical residues through our food have adverse effect on the immune, respiratory, digestion, nervous & reproductive systems. Organic foods taste better, provide more nutrition, have better keeping quality & are safe from side effects. Q.12. Does the taste of Wheatgrass Powder varies over time and what is expiry? A.12. Girme’s Wheatgrass Powder is an Organic product obtained from naturally grown Wheatgrass. No artificial flavor, colour or preservative is added. The taste and colour may vary slightly as per season even though the Wheatgrass is grown in polyhouses. Generally, winter batches are sweeter in taste than rainy season batches. The natural growth process cannot be tampered with and this does not affect the quality of the product. Fresh batch Wheatgrass Powder is seal packed in food grade plastic bottles and given to distributors. Powder manufacturing is done daily in quantities as per market projections. Over stocking is avoided. The Powder is best before 1 year from date of packaging. We recommend it to be consumed within 6 weeks after the packing seal is removed. Q. 13. Can you compare Wheatgrass Powder v/s Wheatgrass Tablets? A.13. Wheatgrass Powder has more advantages than tablet form as follows: Quantity : Traditionally the juice obtained from 30 g fresh Wheatgrass a day is recommended for good results.
  • 30 g fresh Wheatgrass gets converted to 3 g Wheatgrass Powder (1 spoon).
  • Weight of a tablet is generally 0.5 g. Means a dosage of 6 tablets a day is required to meet daily recommended quantity of 3 g Wheatgrass Powder.
  • Most people do not feel comfortable taking 6 tablets at a time & may take just 1 tablet. Hence the results of Wheatgrass get reduced drastically in tablet form. Whereas fantastic results are seen in case of Wheatgrass Powder as it is very convenient to take 1 spoon (3 g) Powder mixed with water.
  • Chlorophyll: Chlorophyll is the most important nutrient in Wheatgrass.
  • In case of Wheatgrass Powder, the Chlorophyll gets reformed when mixed with water whereas its effect is almost lost out in Tablet form.
  • First step of digestion starts when saliva mixes with food in the mouth. The original Chlorophyll available in Wheatgrass is reformed before consumption when Powder is mixed in a glass of water. It mixes with saliva & is digested better thereby increasing its therapeutic value.
Hence concept wise Wheatgrass in Powder form is more effective its Tablets. Q. 14) Why is Girmes Wheatgrass not available in sachets packing? A.14.
  • For best results, Wheatgrass Powder should be taken continuously for 1 month which is very much assured when we give in a bottle packing. Whereas if we give it in sachets, it is very likely that users / dealers may distribute the sachets.
  • Better results of the product are observed when sold in bottle packing due to the fact that a single person will use for himself.
  • Shelf life of Wheatgrass Powder in bottle pack remains more safe from possibility of absorbing moisture than in sachet packing.

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